Who are we?

Stop the Arms Fair, formed in January 2011, is a network of groups and individuals campaigning to put a stop to arms fairs in the UK, and in particular DSEI – one of the largest arms fairs in the world.

The network coordinates groups who are organising to resist the arms fair, and provides logistical and practical support.  We organise in working groups focusing on areas such as legal, welfare, outreach and social media, and we provide infrastructure for the camp that takes place in the ‘set-up’ week before the event, when weapons and equipment arrive at the ExCel centre.

We have held collective days of action themed around diverse struggles against militarism,  and have been a supportive presence for groups organising protests and public awareness raising. Our resistance is anti-racist, feminist, non-violent, queer and trans inclusive, internationalist and anti-capitalist. 

If you would like to get involved with the network as a group, or as an individual, please get in touch.