Making art to Stop the Arms Fair.
Art the Arms Fair is using creativity to make the arms fair visible.
It starts with a mass, en plein air, art event, on 9th September 2017 as part of the Big Day of Action to Stop the Arms Fair. At 10:00am, artists will come armed with canvases, clay, and their creativity to the site of the fair to Art the Arms Fair. All art and artists welcome from painting to performance, sculptors to satirists.
All work produced will be taken to a London Space to be shown alongside other donated art works for an exhibition and a series of arts and performance events coinciding with the DSEI Arms Fair 12th-15th September 2017. Work will be sold to support the work of Campaign Against Arms Trade. More info here.
Participate as an artist or there are lots of different ways to volunteer at an event
Want to make props, placards and other creative things when you get to the action? We need your help! On Thursday 7th and Saturday 9th we will be running a crafts tent, so if you have any of the following, do bring it along:
If you are able to bring any of these things, let us know at info(at)stopthearmsfair*org*uk
Want to get involved in some theatrical interventions? Email theatre(at)stopthearmsfair*org*uk to join a crew who plan to create a theatre piece for the week of action.
#ArmingTheWorld is a performance collaboration between Ice & Fire, Teatro Vivo and the designer takis.