The Defence and Security Equipment International (‘DSEI’) arms fair is one of the biggest arms fairs in the world, and it returns to London this September, with the political and financial support of the UK government.
Arms companies like BAE Systems will be there promoting their bombs and fighter planes, and military delegations from conflict zones and repressive regimes will network and agree weapons deals.
We will be there to say no to DSEI: not here, not anywhere.
Join us, and bring your own placards, banners, and creative actions. There will be talks, performances and actions, celebrating the future we want to see, where migrants and refugees are welcomed, not arms dealers.
Feel free to just turn up on the day, or message us to get involved or find out more. More detail to follow soon.
Hosted by Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants, Campaign Against Arms Trade and Stop the Arms Fair.
More information may be found on the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/862921370745155/
Information on accessibility and welfare and know your rights.
It is crucial that everyone joining this day of action adheres to the Stop the Arms Fair safer spaces policy: https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/safer-spaces-policy/
Please also have a look at the Campaign Against Arms Trade action guidelines: https://www.caat.org.uk/about/action-guidelines.
Part of Stop the Arms Fair week of action at London’s Docklands, 2nd-8th September, 2019. Find out more about the full week of action and other vigils and events (running 2nd-13th Sept) at https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/join-in/
War starts here – let’s stop it here. #StopDSEI
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