How are fossil fuel resources captured and controlled?
Through arms.
How are communities, whose lands are rich with fossil fuels, displaced or strong armed by governments and corporations?
Through arms.
The displacement of people, environmental destruction and increased greenhouse gas emissions are inescapably part of modern warfare enabled by the arms trade.
The fossil fuel and arms industries feed off each other, creating massive wealth for a small number, at the cost of millions of lives and ecological destruction.
On Friday 6 September 2019 we will gather outside the DSEI arms fair to continue the week of action and say ‘Stop the Arms Fair, Stop Climate Change!’
Join us for a day of creative action and workshops.
Bring your banners, placards, music and energy!
Hosted by Global Justice Now, Our Future Now, Kurdistan Solidarity Network, Green Anti-Capitalist Front, Plan C, Make Rojava Green Again, Campaign Against Arms Trade and Stop the Arms Fair
More information may be found on the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2102750916696601/
Contact: dseiclimateaction[at]protonmail.com for more information on how to get involved.
Information on accessibility and welfare and know your rights.
It is important people attending on the day read the Stop the Arms Fair safer spaces policy: https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/safer-spaces-policy/.
Please also have a look at the Campaign Against Arms Trade action guidelines: https://www.caat.org.uk/about/action-guidelines.
Part of Stop the Arms Fair week of action at London’s Docklands, 2nd-8th September, 2019. Find out more about the full week of action and other vigils and events (running 2nd-13th Sept) at https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/join-in/
War starts here – let’s stop it here. #StopDSEI
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