The arms fair may take place in London, but the exhibitors are located at hundreds of sites across the UK and around the world. Visit to see CAAT’s map of the arms trade and find your nearest arms company.
What next?

Think about how you’d like to put on pressure.
Alert your local paper: One person contacted his local paper when he discovered a St Albans-based firm had been granted licences to supply weapons to Bahrain, where democracy protesters have been killed, tortured and imprisoned. So far, two stories have been run in the paper and an anonymous warehouse site has been exposed as arming repressive regimes.
Arms not their main business? For some of the companies that exhibit at the arms fair, military sales are not their main business. This inspired one supporter to write to all the exhibitors in Northamptonshire encouraging them not to taint their reputation by attending the arms fair.
Plan an action: During previous arms fairs, people in Hastings blockaded General Dynamics; students have occupied another of their offices too. A photo stunt can help raise awareness, and step up the pressure on the arms fair. Grim reaper costumes are a simple and visual way to draw attention to arms companies’ deadly trade. Get in touch with us for props including arms trade hazard tape and other action resources!
Let us know what you plan and we can help with publicity and media too!
- Why not invite a speaker to help get local people interested in coming and taking action at the arms fair?
- Come to a talk or workshop or our action planning event in London for 22 August. Let us know if you’d like to book.
- Can you help spread the word about the week of action? Please order some leaflets.
Any questions? Contact Stop the Arms Fair by email or call CAAT on 020 72810297.
This video from 2013 shares some tips for paying a visit to your local arms company (note the mass day of action this year is on 12th September 2015)!
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