Join us and take action to call for free movement for people, not weapons. We will be sharing food, dance, cabaret performances, music and stories at the gates of the arms fair while an alternative “border force” take action to block weaponry and equipment from entering the fair.
In September 2017 DSEI, one of the world’s biggest arms fairs, is coming to London. The weapons sold here fuel death, destruction and injustice perpetrated by militaries, police forces and at borders around the world. As militarised borders kill tens of thousands of people every year, the arms dealers and weapons companies seeking to profit from this inhumane treatment of migrants are being welcomed to London.
We stand against those who seek to profit from these deadly borders and call for free movement for people- not weapons. Please join and share the Facebook event to help us spread the word!
How to get involved:
We’ve got some great workshops and events lined up, as well as a craft space with screen printing, zine making, knitting and art activities running all day!
11.30am: Welcome, and introduction to the space; know your rights briefing and games
12 Noon: Jeyaseelan Thirukkumaran from Migrants Organise will lead a South Asian dance workshop that uses the movements and music of South Asian resistance
1pm: Free vegan lunch served by North London Food Not Bombs
2pm: All African Women’s Group will be performing “We are Here Because You Were There”- a play that takes you through the asylum process, the discrimination and difficulties women often face from when they arrive in the UK and claim asylum, including detention, how they are treated by Home Officials, their lawyer and Immigration Judges . . . plus how self-help as part of the movement for justice spearheaded by asylum seekers, helps us overcome this and win happy endings!
3pm: Open Mic session
3.30pm: SOAS Detainee Support group will run a workshop on practical support for people in detention
4pm: Women of Colour in the Global Womens Strike will run a workshop on women in conflict zones, with Kurdish and Tamil women speakers
5pm: Queefy will be bringing queer caberet and performance
6pm: DJ set from El Tuma, part of MARICUMBIA, a queer Latinx DJ collective
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