The migrant justice day takes place on the first day of Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI), one of the biggest arms fairs in the world. At the event, companies like BAE systems and Lockheed Martin promote military and security equipment that not only forces people to leave their homes in search of safety, but which makes it harder and more dangerous for them to move across increasingly militarized borders. We will be there to say no to DSEI: not here, not anywhere. We will uplift the voices and experiences of those affected by the deadly business taking place within the ExCel centre as delegates arrive and leave the fair. We will educate ourselves about the global arms trade and the border industry, and think strategically about how we can resist. And we will celebrate the world we want to see, where free movement is a right available to all and war is over. Expect educational talks, workshops and film screenings, inspiring speeches and creative, expressive resistance. Events will be focused at 3 points in the day – in the morning, as delegates arrive (8:30-10:30) at lunchtime (12:00-14:00) and in the evening (17:00-19:00). There will be a physical presence at Western gateway between these times, though guests may choose to rest at the resistance camp on the east side of the ExCel centre. The activities planned as part of the migration day are for all to participate in and we don’t anticipate any arrests or unpleasant encounters with the police. Legal observers will be present at key points during the day. ** IMPORTANT ** It is crucial that everyone joining this wonderful day of action adheres to the Stop the Arms Fair Safer Spaces Policy: https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/safer-spaces-policy/ Please also have a look at the Campaign Against Arms Trade action guidelines if you’re considering an independent action : https://www.caat.org.uk/about/action-guidelines
Events will take place in the open air or under well-ventilated marquees. There will be some hot food available for a donation. Free tea and coffee will be available all day, but please bring your own mug if you can. There are toilets in the hotels, cafes and restaurants surrounding Western Gateway that will be available for use, as well as portaloos a 5-10 minute walk away on the east side of the ExCel centre.
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