Every two years, the global arms trade comes to London. DSEI, one of the world’s largest arms fairs, returns in September 2019.

This is where those who profit from war, repression and injustice do business. This is where we can stop them.

More than 1,000 arms companies plan to set up shop, marketing their wares to more than 30,000 attendees from around the world.

Join the week of action (2-9th September 2019)!

Join the vigils!
On Monday 9th September: Eve of the Arms Fair Silent Vigil
On Tuesday 10th September: Wreath Laying in Victoria Dock

Art the Arms Fair (3-13th September)!
During the week of action, and into the following week (3rd-13th September 2019), Art the Arms Fair will be exposing the arms trade.

Last time the arms fair came to London, hundreds of people took action to disrupt its set-up.

Charlie Chaplin locked on under a lorry - a police officer is trying to speak to him
Charlie Chaplin joined the resistance at DSEI 2017.

As lorries and trucks transporting armoured vehicles, missiles, sniper rifles, tear gas and bullets attempted to get on site, people from around the world were there to put their bodies in the way.

people holding Palestinian flags and wearing sanwich boards made to look like the apartheid wall stand in frotn of a truck
People dressed as the Israeli apartheid wall stand in front of a truck at DSEI 2017.

Dabke-dancing, aerobics, an academic conference, a gig on a flatbed truck, abseilers dangling from a bridge, theatre, military veterans undertaking unofficial vehicle checks for banned weapons, Kurdish dancers, rebel clowns, religious gatherings, hip-hop artists, radical picnics, a critical mass of cyclists, Daleks, political choirs, and lots of people in arm-locks all blocked the entrances to the DSEI arms fair repeatedly over the course of a whole week.

one person swings a scarf, many people holding hands dabke dancing in the road, smiling
Kurdish activists dance in the road at DSEI 2017.

Thousands more amplified the protests by signing petitions, lobbying decision-makers, speaking out online and in their own communities, and helping in diverse ways to make the protests possible.

A person wearign a tartan minidress, red neckscarf and small black hat holds a road sign that has been subvertised to say "Stop Wars"
07/09/2017. Protest against DSEI arms fair, at the ExCeL Centre in London. ©David Mirzoeff/Global Justice Now

Will you help make 2019 even bigger?

4 replies to “Get ready to #StopDSEI 2019!”

  • It is imperative that the industry for making these weapons is made redundant. Action must be taken before the Arms Fair so that there are no weapons to sell. The British Government increased Defence spending by 83% and last week the Defence Minister Gavin Williamson proudly informed the public that Britain now has strategic military basis all over the world. This is an absolute disgrace when our NHS is being Privatised to make money for the Arms Trade, Homelessness has increased, food banks are being used by many starving families, our Education system is being Privatised because the Government has Cut Funding to these vital systems that improve people’s lives just to fund the 83% increase in Defence Spending. Jeremy Corbyn has let the people down by backing the Renewal of Trident in order to secure his dream of inhabiting 10 Downing Street, Hilary Benn supports armed conflict and the Arms Industry, he does not follow his father’s footsteps. Labour cannot be trusted any more than we can trust the Conservative Government.
    I support strongly action to be taken to prevent these Weapons being made. There is a Factory in Home Farm Road in Brighton that is making components for weapons. How can we expose this work being carried out funded with our Tax money?

  • Shadow government should not be drawn into this. It will only distract. THE government are responsible for this mess, along with politicians no longer on the scene (Blair). Johnson, Hunt, Gove, May are all morally responsible and should be made to explain and apologise while in office. I support all and any disruption of the Arms Trade, without resort to violence. Taking this message to the public and making any contact with the Arms Trade prohibitively costly are essential. Lets drive the Arms Fair out of London and anywhere else it rears it’s head. BAE should be the site of a permanent blockade at the gates. I recently met the Greenham Common women at the Durham Miners’ Gala. We need that sort of commitment again.

  • Hello Bruce,
    Locations and timings are still to be finalised.
    At this stage, I’d plan to be near Prince Regent DLR from the start of the “working day”
    More details will be posted here as we get them.
    – Kirsten

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